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November 13-19, 2016
http://www.weather.gov/ilx/winter-prep FACT SHEET- 2016
Cold Temperatures
- 182 people have died from exposure to cold temperatures in the state of Illinois since 1996. This is much more than severe thunderstorms and tornadoes (64 deaths), floods (48 deaths) and lightning (19 deaths) – combined during the same period.
- The coldest temperature on record in the state occurred on January 5, 1999 when the mercury dipped to -36 °F near Congerville in Woodford County!
- Hypothermia sets in when your body’s temperature drops below 95 degrees. Because hypothermia is based on your body’s temperature and not the air temperature, it is possible to get hypothermia even when the air temperature is in the mid-60s. Keep your home at 68 degrees or warmer.
Winter Storms
- Illinois normally experiences five severe winter storms each year. During the winter of 2015-16 there were four severe winter storms, compared to nine the previous winter.
- As few as two (in the winters of 1921-1922 and 1980-1981), and as many as 18 winter storms (in the winters of 1977-1978 and 1981-1982) have occurred. There has not been a winter in Illinois without a winter storm in the past century.
- Heavy snow can immobilize a region and paralyze a city, stranding commuters, closing airports, stopping the flow of supplies, and disrupting emergency and medical services.
- Snow, ice storms and freezing rain are deadly for drivers. In Illinois, snow and ice covered roads result in an average of 27,900 vehicle crashes each year. The accidents also produce an average of 4,338 injuries and 49 fatalities annually.
If the temperature is below 32, drive like you’re on ice - you may be! Make sure you have food, water and blankets in your trunk. Stay off the roads when advised to do so by local authorities.
- Average annual snowfall ranges from nearly
40 inches of snow north of Chicago, to as
little as 5 inches in the southern tip of Illinois
- In central Illinois, average snowfall is 20 to
25 inches, while areas south of I-70
normally experience 12 to 16 inches
- The average liquid water to snow ratio in
central IL is 13:1 (This means, on average, there are 13.0” of snow for
every 1.00” of liquid / melted snow)
Ice Storms
- Locations from just south of Quincy, through Lincoln, to
Watseka experience more freezing rain and ice storms
than any other part of the state, on average.
- Several major ice storms have impacted Illinois
recently. The most recent was in southeast Illinois on
Feb. 1-2, 2011 which created week-long power outages
and nearly $10 Million damage to power poles and
lines, as well as trees.
Winter Flooding
- Winter flooding is particularly dangerous. It can occur due to heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt and ice jams. Evacuating into cold waters can RAPIDLY result in hypothermia
- Turn Around, Don’t Drown! Never drive into floodwaters!
- Six inches of swiftly moving water can knock an adult over and sweep him or her away. Twelve inches of water can float a small car. 18-24 inches of water will carry off most large vehicles.
- More than 50 percent of flooding fatalities occur in vehicles.
- Driving in fog is dangerous due to reduced visibility
- A Dense Fog Advisory means that widespread visibility reductions of a quarter of a mile or less are expected or occurring.
- If you encounter fog, slow down! This will give you more time to react to any obstacles you may encounter in the roadway. Leave extra space between you and the car ahead of you and turn on your headlights to low beams. Consider delaying your travel plans.
Know Your Risk, Take Action, Be a Force of Nature
1. Know Your Risk
● Check www.weather.gov/Lincoln every morning before you leave home. It may be sunny in the morning but snowing in the afternoon. Be prepared.
2. Take Action!
● Assemble an emergency supplies kit for your home. If an ice storm cuts power for several days, would you be prepared? Make sure that you have 72 hours of food, water and other necessary supplies in your kit.
● Write a family communications plan so that everyone in your life knows how to stay in touch. What if a blizzard trapped you away from home? Would your family know what to do? Would your friends know how to reach you? Make a plan today.
3. Be A Force of Nature
● You’re an inspiration. Let people know that you have an emergency supplies kit and family communications plan - doing so will inspire others to action. Share your preparedness story on social media using #WinterSafety. Help the National Weather Service build a Weather-Ready Nation.
Web Links
- Web page to monitor winter storms and get winter road conditions: http://www.weather.gov/ilx/winter_monitor
- Winter preparedness: http://www.weather.gov/ilx/winter-prep
- Social media page to follow NWS Lincoln Facebook, Twitter and You Tube Feeds: http://www.weather.gov/ilx/ilx_social_media
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October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month
Governor Rauner issues proclamation encouraging Illinoisans
to stay safe online
SPRINGFIELD – Reports on computer hacks and online information breaches are in the news almost daily. While the news stories come and go, the effects of having your personal information compromised can be long-lasting. To highlight the importance of understanding and avoiding cyber risks, Governor Bruce Rauner has proclaimed October National Cyber Security Awareness Month in Illinois.
“Cybercrime is a very real threat across the globe,” Gov. Rauner said. “Here in Illinois, our new Department of Innovation and Technology is spearheading efforts to keep the state’s networks safe from the continual barrage of attacks. It’s equally important for individuals, schools, businesses, organizations and others to work to keep their online information secure.”
“Cybersecurity threat impacts all of us, and is truly a citizen safety issue,” said Hardik Bhatt, State CIO and Secretary Designate of the Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT). “Through Governor Rauner’s leadership, the state of Illinois is securing our technology infrastructure through partnerships with different levels of government and critical infrastructure partners. For a truly cyber-secure Illinois, we believe that the most important cybersecurity partnership for us is with our citizens."
During the month, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and local emergency management agencies are joining to increase awareness of online risks and provide tips on what people can do to prevent problems.
“The Internet touches nearly every aspect of our daily lives,” said IEMA Director James K. Joseph. “From computers and laptops at homes, schools and workplaces to smartphones and tablets, the ability to instantly connect with information and people around the world offers countless opportunities for everyone, including criminals. Fortunately, there are steps everyone can take to stay safe online.”
Joseph said the Stop. Think. Connect. Campaign is a global safety awareness campaign to help people stay safe online. The campaign offers many tips and information for online security, including:
• Keep security software current to defend against viruses, malware and other online threats.
• Protect all devices that connect to the Internet, including computers, smartphones, gaming systems and other web-enabled devices.
• Use security software to scan USBs and other external devices for viruses and malware.
• Make passwords long and strong by combine capital and lowercase letters with number and symbols.
• Have unique passwords for every account.
• Avoid suspicious links in emails, tweets, posts and online advertising, which can be the way for cybercriminals to access your computer.
• When banking and shopping online, check to be sure the site is security enabled (https:// means the site takes extra measures to secure your information).
• Protect your work, music, photos and other digital information by making an electronic copy and storing it safely.
More information about cyber security is available at www.Ready.Illinois.gov.
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To honor the great work and accomplishments of Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors, NOAA/NWS will formally recognize those Ambassadors who have made significant contributions to building a Weather-Ready Nation during National Preparedness Month (September). NOAA/NWS would like to congratulate the following Ambassadors for their great work this past year! By serving as a change agent and leader in their community, they have inspired others to be better informed and prepared, helping to minimize or even avoid the impacts of extreme weather, water and climate events.
NOAA’s Weather-Ready Nation focuses on building community resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather, water and climate events, and the National Weather Service has many great partners to aid in accomplishing this goal. This collaborative work includes working with NOAA’s/NWS’s partners and public, but requires the participation and commitment of a vast nationwide network of Ambassadors. Everyday, Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors serve a pivotal role in affecting societal change - helping to build a Weather-Ready Nation!
For more information on the Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador program or how to become an ambassador, visit: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/com/weatherreadynation/ambassadors.html
Bossier Parish (LA) Library
Brooks Elementary School (KY)
Center for Sustainable Communities (Atlanta)
Champaign County Emergency Management
City of Austin Watershed Protection
DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Fire Rescue TV
Florida International University - International Hurricane Research Center
Gallaudet University
Johnson County (KS) Emergency Management
Kentucky Mountains Amateur Radio Club
KVCK Radio
Milwaukee Area Skywarn Association
Occupational Health & Safety (OSHA)
Polk County (IA)Health Department
Sacramento Office of Emergency Services
USDA Farm Service Agency
Valencia Lakes
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IEMA Joins Nationwide Campaign to Encourage Disaster Preparedness
‘Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today’ is Theme for National Preparedness Month in September
SPRINGFIELD – September is National Preparedness Month and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) is joining with emergency management agencies throughout the state and across the U.S. to encourage people to spend a few moments during the month on disaster preparedness.
The campaign’s theme, ‘Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today’, urges people to set aside time to discuss emergency plans with family members and develop a plan to stay safe when disaster strikes. The month-long preparedness drive will conclude on September 30 with ‘American’s PrepareAthon,’ a national day of action.
“Severe weather and other disasters can’t be prevented, and many occur without much warning,” said IEMA Director James K. Joseph. “We saw that happen last December with heavy rains and widespread flooding that claimed 10 lives and drove many people from their homes with little notice. Taking a few minutes now on your emergency plan could be a true life saver during an emergency.”
Throughout September, IEMA will offer tips and information on how to develop a family emergency communication plan, assemble an emergency supply kit, as well as ways to receive critical emergency warnings.
IEMA offers disaster preparedness information on the Ready Illinois website (www.Ready.Illinois.gov), a one-stop resource for detailed information about what to do before, during and after disasters.
In addition, throughout September IEMA will post daily preparedness tips on the Ready Illinois Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ReadyIllinois) and Twitter (@ReadyIllinois).
During disasters, IEMA uses the Ready Illinois website, Facebook and Twitter pages to provide critical information about the incident, including shelter locations, road closures, safety information, photos and more.
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Parents Encouraged to Include Emergency Preparedness in Back-to-School Plans
August is School and Campus Preparedness Month in Illinois
SPRINGFIELD – In the next few weeks, students from pre-kindergarten through college will be headed back to school. As parents prepare their students for the new academic year, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and local emergency management agencies across the state are encouraging parents to include emergency preparedness in their back-to-school plans.
“Emergencies can occur any time of the day or night, including when children are in school,” said IEMA Director James K. Joseph. “The start of a new school year is the perfect time to make sure you know your school’s plans for keeping students safe during an emergency and then talking to your child about those plans.”
Joseph offered several back-to-school planning tips for parents of school-aged children, including:
• Find out where children will be taken in the event of an evacuation during school hours.
• Ensure your current emergency contact information is on file at your child’s school.
• Pre-authorize a friend or relative to pick up your children in an emergency and make sure the school knows who that designated person is.
• Teach children with cell phones about ‘Text First, Talk Later.’ Short, simple text messages, such as “R U OK?” and “I’m OK,” are more likely to get through than a phone call if phone service is disrupted following an emergency. As phone congestion eases, you can follow up with a phone call to relay more information.
Students headed off to college also need to be prepared for emergencies. Many college campuses offer email and text messages to alert students of potential dangers, such as severe weather and other threats. Encourage your college student to sign-up for such alerts. Some colleges also provide alert messages for parents so they also are aware of potential dangers on campus. In addition, make sure your student knows the emergency plans for their dorm or apartment building.
Additional preparedness information is available on the Ready Illinois website at www.Ready.Illinois.gov.
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