Local Officials Prepare for Winter



Champaign County Emergency

Management Agency

Urges Everyone to

take Precautions during

Inclement Weather

Champaign, IL – The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Watch for Champaign County beginning Saturday, January 4, 2014 around 6:00 PM and continuing through Midnight on Sunday, January 5, 2014. Snow totals are expected to range from eight to 10 inches.


From Midnight through 6:00 PM on Sunday, January 5, increased winds are expected to bring heavy and drifting snow to all roadways. Evening winds are expected to be between 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 30 mph, creating near blizzard conditions. Temperatures are expected to be well below zero with wind chills of -30 to -40 degrees. These temperatures are expected through Monday and into Tuesday.


This is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening storm. Due to the nature of the storm, emergency response time may be significantly reduced due to travel difficulties. John Dwyer with the Champaign County Emergency Management Agency stated, “Think twice before going onto the road. We are looking at dangerous weather conditions.”


Frost bite can occur in less than 10 minutes to exposed skin in this weather. If you do not need to be on the roads, stay home. If you must travel, ensure you have a complete winter emergency kit in your vehicle. Exercise caution whenever using any alternate heating source in the home or car.


Current closures for Monday, January 6, 2014 include the Brookens Administrative Center and the Champaign County Sheriff’s Administrative Services Office.  The Champaign County Courthouse will also be closed on Monday. Clients need to contact their personal attorneys for case questions. The Clerk's office will send out notices for new court dates and times pertaining to Monday's court cases.


For more information, please contact the Champaign County Emergency Management Agency at (217) 384-3826.