More than 15 local and state agencies will take part in a three-day domestic emergency response exercise testing their abilities through multiple scenarios in the county. Illinois Prairie North 2013 will run from Thursday, April 11 to Saturday, April 13. This joint training exercise is designed to test civilian and military responses and coordination should incidents occur in our community. It is full scale, so residents can expect to see emergency responders looking and acting as if it was a real homeland security/domestic response event. 

The exercise will take place at the 1400 block of Hobson Drive in Rantoul and at the hangars of the former Chanute Air Force Base. The Village of Rantoul Police and Fire Departments are not participating. This a Champaign County Emergency Management and Illinois National Guard exercise. The realistic exercise is necessary to ensure the local, state and the Illinois National Guard first responders are prepared to protect the public and mitigate the disaster. Some of the exercise scenarios included are law enforcement, hazardous materials, mass causalities and rescue operations. This exercise is a culmination of almost a year of planning efforts.